Green House
Green home design plans and green home building design use eco-friendly reusable materials, furnishings and leftovers. These kind of designs feature the use of long lasting, non-toxic materials as well as recycling. Green home designs make use of materials that are renewable and long lasting. To remodel a residence with new materials every few years is not green building design.
Green home design plans and green home building design. When you use materials to be green, you restore and salvage what you have when possible. Options for green flooring design can provide you many different choices today.
Green home designs today features the use of materials such as cork, bamboo and eucalyptus since they are earth friendly and renewable. Cork is especially good since there is no destruction of trees during extraction of the cork. Hardwood flooring can last forever and is very desirable, however, these kinds of woods are often the remnants of old growth from rain forest trees and this is not eco-friendly or green. You can select types of woods that have the approval and certification by environmental groups.
Which glues and finishes to use for floor installation are issues that should concern you since many contain toxic synthetic formaldehyde resins. It is best to use non-toxic low to no VOC sealants as well as non-toxic cleaners, polishes, finishes, refinishing and adhesive products. To do so will result in having better indoor air quality since your home produces less toxins and is a healthier environment to live in.
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